ビジネス英会話の実例集 Idiomsです。マンツーマン英会話なら英会話スクール IHCWAY。


Common words and phrases ビジネス英会話でよく使われる単語とフレーズです。

1) Across the board - including everyone and/or everything すべての人、物を含めて
The company has decided to give an across the board pay rise
2) At a loss - to sell something and lose money instead 商品を売ったことで金銭を失う。赤字である。
These computers are sold at a loss as the company is going out of business.
3) Ball park figure - a rough estimate / an estimation of a value 概算
We were given a ball park figure for the cost of building a new factory.
4) Banker's hours - short work hours バンカーズアワー 短縮した労働時間
I am able to work banker's hours as I could get my staff to finish my work for me.
私はバンカーズアワーで働くことが可能だ。なぜなら、私の仕事を終わらせてくれる スタッフがいるからだ。
5) Big gun - a very important person 重要人物
He used to be a big gun, but after losing millions of dollars for his company, he was fired.
6) Bottom line - the total, the final figure on the balance sheet 計算書上の、最終的な合計した利益
When they examined the bottom line of the company, they decided to withdraw their investment.
7) Break even - having expenses being equal to profits 支出と収入が同じである
The company was able to break even after only a year of business. その会社は、創業1年目にして、収支がとんとんの状態までもってこられた。
8) Budget squeeze/crunch - a lack of funds/money in the budget 予算の欠乏
Due to rapidly decreasing profits, we will be going through a severe budget squeeze for the next few years until our finances improve.
9) Buy off - a bribe, a gift or money to someone 賄賂や金品を送ること。
Several big companies tried to buy off a cabinet minister but failed.
10) Buy out - to buy an ownership or a large share of something 所有権や大量の株式を買い取ること。
Small technological companies were eventually bought out by larger ones like Sony.
11) Carry over - to save for another time 次回に持ち越す。
The meeting was carried over to the following week.
12) Carry over (financial) - a transfer of a figure from one column to another 数字を次回に繰り越すこと。
Due to difficult times, our losses last year was carried over to this year.
13) Carry through - put into action 実行する。
Starbucks carried through their plan to restructure their operations.
14) Come on strong - to appear with very strong language or personality 強い言葉や個性でふるまうこと。
The new sales manager came on too strong at the last meeting and created tensions within the team.
15) Company man - a person who works hard and agrees with his employees 懸命に働き、経営者に賛同する社員。
Gary was a real company man and would always put in that extra effort for the firm.
16) Cut back - to reduce, to use less of 削減する、使用を減らす。
The company has been cutting back on expenses like entertainments due to decreasing profits.
17) Cut off - to interrupt, to stop 妨害する、中断する。
The President's speech was cut off when a power failure occurred.
18) Cut one's losses - to attempt to do something to stop losing money etc 金銭の損失等を止める切り捨てを講じること。
Sony should try selling their PS3 as soon as possible and try to cut their losses.
19) Deliver the goods - succeed in doing what is expected 期待されていることを行うことができる。
Although it is a small company, they are able to deliver the goods.
20) Double-check - to re-check again to confirm 確認のため、2度チェックする。
Always double-check the balance sheet to ensure that everything is balanced.
21) Face value - the official value, the actual value of something 正式な金額、実際の金額。
I paid 40,000 yen for a ticket on the black market, but the face value was 10,000.
22) Figure out - to find an answer by thinking 考えることで、答えを見つける。
We have got to figure out how to sell all the products by next month.
23) Fill the bill - to be what is needed 必要条件を満たす。期待にかなう。
The new CEO should fill the bill as to what the company needs to be successful again.
24) Gain ground - go forward, to make progress 前に進む、進展する。
Nintendo has been gaining ground against Sony and Microsoft in the gaming market.
25) Get off the ground - to make a successful beginning, to move on ahead 順調にスタートする、前に進む。
The Nintendo Wii was able to get off the ground as soon as it was introduced.
26) Give the green light - to give permission to start, to say OK to start 開始の許可を出す、スタートをOkする。
We were given the green light to start looking for new teachers for our company.
27) Go public - to sell shares of a privately owned company to the public, to go public with the company 個人所有の会社の株を売って公開する。株式公開する。
Sony's stock prices rose rapidly when they went public.
28) Go through with - to finish, do as planned 計画通りに終える、行う。
Sony has decided to go through with their plans to introduce their new range of computers.
29) Hard sell - to sell something by being very aggressive/strong 非常に積極的に、強烈に販売すること。
The shop clerk gave us a hard sell so we decided to go to another shop.
30) Heads will roll - punishment for something 罰せられる
Heads will roll when our boss finds out about the huge loss we made recently.
31) Black and white - in writing, an official contract on paper 書かれたもの、正式な契約書類。
Unless you have the guarantee in black and white, we cannot refund you the money.
32) In charge of - be responsible for, to be in control of 責任を持つ、管理する。
CEOs have always been in charge of the operation of the company.
33) In stock - to have something available 在庫の用意がある。
We had almost 1,000 Nintendo Wii in stock, but it was sold out in just one hour.
34) In the long run - the final result, at the end 最終結果、最終的に。
A new company will have little profits at first, but in the long run, their profits should increase.
35) In the market for - ready to buy something 買う準備が出来ている。
I have been in the market for a new Apple computer for a long time but still have not bought one.
36) In the red - losing money, unprofitable 金銭を存している、利益がない。
Because of the success of Microsoft Xbox and Nintendo Wii, Sony's PS3 has been in the red.
37) In the works - in preparation, something which is being planned 準備中、計画されているもの。
Sony has a new game console in the works, but no details have yet been released.
38) Jack up - to raise the price, to make the price higher 値上げ、金額を高くする。
The oil-rich middle-east countries decided to jack up the price of oil, making it very expensive.
39) Keep books - to keep a record of financial transactions 財務取引を記録していくこと。
The new assistant has no experience in keeping books and has made a lot of mistakes.
40) Keep track of - to keep a record, to stay informed of something 記録をつける、情報をいつも持っている。
We have been keeping track of who has bought our products.
41) Kickback - money paid illegally for good treatment 優遇を受けるため不正に支払われる金。
There was a scandal about a kickback being paid to a cabinet minister from a construction company.
42) Lay Off - to be fired, to be sacked 解雇される。クビになる。
About 500 employees will be laid off by the company next month because of increasing losses.
43) Mean business - to be serious 本気である。
Our boss means business when he calls us into his office.
44) On hand - to be ready, to have something ready, in one's possession 用意ができている、手元にある。
We only had 10,000yen on hand and were unable to buy the Nintendo Wii.
45) On credit - to buy something without paying cash 現金を使わずに買うこと。
We did not have enough money so we decided to buy the Nintendo Wii on credit.
46) Pay off - to make a profit, to be successful 事業などがうまくいく。借金などを清算する。
The company finally paid off their debts after 10years and has now started to make a profit.
47) Sell like hotcakes - to sell very quickly あっという間に売れる。
The Nintendo Wii has been selling like hotcakes when they were released.
48) Strike while the iron is hot - to take advantage of an opportunity チャンスをつかむ
Nintendo decided to strike while the iron was hot and introduced the Wii before Sony or Microsoft announced their new gaming systems.
49) Take a nosedive - to collapse, to fail, to decrease in value 下落する、失敗する、目減りする。
The American dollar took a nosedive when the the Euro dollar started to rise in value.
50) Tight spot - a difficult situation, to be in a bind 困難な状況。
Sony has been in a tight spot ever since the Nintendo Wii was introduced.
51) Work out - to plan, to develop 計画する、作り出す。
Sony spent millions of dollars trying to work out a marketing strategy for the PS3.
52) Write off - to remove a business record, to remove/cancel a debt 取引の記録を消す。負債を帳消しとする。
The bank decided to write off the loan as the company had gone bankrupt and was impossible to collect back the money.



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