
2017年12月23日 16:18

新宿や五反田のカフェでマンツーマン英会話レッスン クリント先生(アメリカ)pic



Course: 初級
Progress: Ms.A is practicing many ways of having basic conversations with new friends by focusing on questions and answers. She has learned how to ask useful questions for getting to know people, such as "where are you from originally?", "how long have you been in Japan", and "what countries have you been to?" She has also studied the many kinds of responses she may hear when asking these questions. She is able to answer many questions about herself in English and discuss places she has traveled to, her hobbies, her likes and dislikes, etc. Ms.A is making herself capable of making friends with native English speakers, which may one day earn her some valuable friendships.

Course: 初級→初中級にアップ
Progress: Mr.S is doing a great job writing essays which prove that he has a solid understanding of English grammar, vocabulary, and spelling. His essays are proofread and checked thoroughly for spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors. If any errors are found they are corrected and he is provided with an explanation as to why they are incorrect. He is also provided with many new vocabulary words to make his English writing sound more natural. His topics of writing include interesting and intellectual topics, such as the importance of getting enough sleep and how the Japanese Diet works.Mr.S's vocabulary is steadily becoming more advanced and he is able to use many words in a way that is understandable to native speakers.

Course: 時事英語、新聞・ニュースの英語
Progress: Ms.Y has been focusing on news articles related to US President Donald Trump. She is able to read the articles quickly and pronounce English words in a way that is smooth and understandable. With these articles she is able to learn many new vocabulary words, which are explained to her and written down so that she may study at a later time. She is also provided with synonyms for these words to make it easier for her to understand and to expand her knowledge of English vocabulary. She has learned new words like "impoverished" and "unrelenting", as well as natural sayings in English, such as "let's make sure we're all on the same page".Ms. Y's understanding of English and world events is gradually becoming more advanced with every lesson.
たとえば最近のレッスンでは、"impoverished" (疲弊した)や "unrelenting(不屈の、容赦ない)"といった新しい単語や、"let's make sure we're all on the same page(我々は大筋で合意していることを確認しよう)"といった自然な慣用表現を学びました。Yさんの英語力と、世界情勢に関する英語表現はレッスンごとに上達しています。

Course: 初級+仕事の英語
Progress: Mr.O has been studying different ways of communicating with others in English during emergency situations. He has learned what things to say in order to get help in critical moments of urgency, such as car accidents and fires. He has learned useful phrases that may help save the lives of others, such as "I would like to report a fire, car accident, robbery, shooting", etc. He has also learned what questions he may be asked by emergency responders in these types of situations, such as "what is your location?", "how many victims are there?", and "are there any injuries?" Mr.S is able to ask and respond to questions without reading from his notes and has potential to use his English skills to save lives.
Oさんは、緊急時に多くの人と英語でコミュニケーションする方法について、色々な表現を学んでいます。自動車事故や火事などの緊急時に助けを呼ぶためには何と言ったら良いのか。たとえば"I would like to report a fire, car accident, robbery, shooting"(火事です、事故です、強盗です、銃撃です)などです。また、このようなシチュエーションのときに、応答した人から聞かれそうな質問、たとえば"what is your location?"(今どこにいますか?) "how many victims are there?"(被害者は何名ですか)  "Are there any injuries?"(けが人はいますか?)などです。Oさんは、ノートを見なくても、これらの質問を行ったり答えたりできるようになり、英語のスキルを用いて人を助ける将来性を身につけられています。

