

- 会話の時間:
- 新しいボキャブラリーを学ぶ:
- リーディング:
- 宿題:
>> 子供英会話に通う遼太郎くんの体験談はこちら
I get a great deal of satisfaction from teaching Ryotaro English. We cover a range of different learning tasks during our lesson, so that he is constantly engaged. These tasks include:
- Conversation time:
- This is where I allow Ryotaro to talk as much as possible in English, about a range of different topics which usually include what he is studying at school or what he did in the weekend. I ask many questions to keep the conversation going. I also correct his sentence structure and teach new vocabulary when appropriate.
- Learning new vocabulary:
- To reinforce the new vocabulary learnt in conversation time, I will teach it by putting it into a sentence and discussing the meaning of it using pictures, objects or easier words. We will then role play a situation in which you could use such a sentence.
- Reading:
- Before reading, I will go through any new vocabulary and also ask questions about the story such as, what do you think will happen next? or what will happen to this character? I do this before reading so the it gives purpose to reading as the child wants to know about the story. After reading the story we will go through characters, setting, plot (what the story is about) and summarizing the story.
- Homework:
- After each lesson I will give homework. This usually includes, learning new words found in the reading book and putting it into a sentence to reinforce its meaning. Furthermore, I will also let him make a comic book using common expressions learnt during our lesson. This is a fun way to learn how to use useful expressions in everyday conversation. I will check the homework at the beginning of every lesson and make corrections in a constructive manner.
>> 子供英会話トップへ
>> ネイティブ講師の子供英会話の感想とレッスン内容のレポート一覧へ