Collect one's thoughts 考えをまとめる、気持ちを落ち着かせる When someone tries to gather their thoughts and clear their head. 考えをまとめて、頭の中をスッキリさせること。 Rob needed to collect his thoughts before he could propose to his girlfriend.
IHCWAYの一日一英会話。マンツーマン英会話なら英会話スクール IHCWAY。
英会話スクールIHCWAY 英会話の表現やイディオムを一日一分で学ぶ 一日一英会話
Collect one's thoughts 考えをまとめる、気持ちを落ち着かせる When someone tries to gather their thoughts and clear their head. 考えをまとめて、頭の中をスッキリさせること。 Rob needed to collect his thoughts before he could propose to his girlfriend.