Caught in the crossfire 板挟みになる、厄介なことに巻き込まれる When someone is caught in between or in the middle of an argument or feud between two other people 2名の間の口論や争いに巻き込まれた状態 When parents divorce, the children are usually caught in the crossfire.
IHCWAYの一日一英会話。マンツーマン英会話なら英会話スクール IHCWAY。
英会話スクールIHCWAY 英会話の表現やイディオムを一日一分で学ぶ 一日一英会話
Caught in the crossfire 板挟みになる、厄介なことに巻き込まれる When someone is caught in between or in the middle of an argument or feud between two other people 2名の間の口論や争いに巻き込まれた状態 When parents divorce, the children are usually caught in the crossfire.