Carry weight 影響力がある。 When someone or something is important or influential. 誰か、何かが重要かつ影響力が大きいこと。 Mark didn't speak much, but when he did his opinion always carried a lot of weight.
IHCWAYの一日一英会話。マンツーマン英会話なら英会話スクール IHCWAY。
英会話スクールIHCWAY 英会話の表現やイディオムを一日一分で学ぶ 一日一英会話
Carry weight 影響力がある。 When someone or something is important or influential. 誰か、何かが重要かつ影響力が大きいこと。 Mark didn't speak much, but when he did his opinion always carried a lot of weight.